Monday, December 21, 2009

The Queen City Poker Tour Blog...first post

A blog about the Queen City Poker Tour, a poker group from Cincinnati, OH...aka The Queen City. I'm not really sure of the origins of the nickname The Queen City, but in today's world, I'm sure the homos really like it.

This is the start of the Queen City Poker Tour (QCPT) blog, but we've been playing poker as a group now for over 8 years. It all started when a group of us were in a bowling league, and needed to find a way to compete for the bowling money we accumulated over the bowling season. If you had a open frame you had to pay for your lame shot. There were many types of reasons to pay the "barrel", so we decided that playing a no limit poker tournament would be a good way to pay out the money. This was the start of the QCPT. Nowadays, we play five tournaments per year, and keep a league standing of how each player is performing over the course of a season...which a season last two years or ten poker tournaments. After ten tournaments, we have a Tournament of Champions where the ten tournament winners play for bonus money and a sweet looking leopard fez. That should say enough about how serious we are about our poker.

Please post comments, questions, and / or future blog suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully one day play against you on a QCPT event.

Shuffle Up & Deal,
